Hi, Meet My Soul♥

Hello! Wanna know who are them? Let me introduce yaa. Okay the man with the white shirt is my Father. I usually call him Ayah. He quite sporting, happening and also can be a lion in certain time HARHAR. Apepun I love you Dad. More than everyone. More than everything. Thank you for those thing that you had done and give for me♥

The lady with the red scarft is my Mother. I usually call her Ibu. She is everything for me. Why? Because My paradise below her foot. Hihi Syurga seorang anak tu terletak di bawah telapak kaki Ibu. I know, sometimes my words made her dispirited. I'm sorry Mum. Maybe it's out of my control. Me love you so much, Bu. More than anyone else including Ayah. You're the first♥

HAHA kita taktahu kenapa kita sebuk nak speaking harini and kita pun taktahu kenapa tetiba kita nak update pasal Ayah dengan Ibu kita ni. Tapi yang kita tahu kita nak bagi tahu satu dunia yang KITA SAYANG DORANG :)

p/s : selalu aku tengok orang selalu update pasal bf/gf dorang. So aku nak buad perubahan sikid which is update bout My Beloved Parents heeee Enjoyyyy :D